Patient Testimonials

I came to know Nina through a friend who highly recommended her as an acupuncturist who might help me with back and shoulder pain. What I immediately felt from Nina was an acknowledgement that we are complex beings, that pain has many aspects, and that healing requires addressing the whole person. While I originally came to Nina for back pain, she quickly and accurately assessed some deeper issues that needed attention and I was relieved to find my self in the hands of someone who saw beyond the initial complaint. She met me as a person, and intuitively knew that I needed to address some emotional issues as well. Nina offered insight into patterns in lack of self-esteem and use of alcohol...she gave me many tools through references to books and other information, and through our conversations, to help me develop alternative ways to approach issues that challenge me. I am so grateful to Nina, foremost for realizing her gift to heal beyond acupuncture, and for offering it so generously to me.
— SR

I started seeing Nina in early 2004 while I was in the middle of eight rounds of chemo-therapy battling breast cancer. Sometimes in your life you are lucky to find someone to help you in your darkest time. That was what Nina did for me. The lack of sleep was really tough for me and I was very anxious when it was quiet at night. As my trust grew and I needed more than an awesome massage with Nina, we decided to try needles as well. I remember thinking ‘what am i going to think about for 40 minutes’. I surprised myself when and after two months of once a week treatments of acupuncture and massage I started to enjoy the ‘needles’ and what they did for me. My balance improved, my sleep improved, and I began to see some light at the end of it all. Throughout the long process of my treatment, the blood work, scans, family anxiety, contemplating my demise...Nina was always there, steady with her advise as well as her treatment. Nina is a competent, energetic and compassionate healer. A hard worker and definitely doing what she loves. I have benefitted from her help and have become a better person through her compassion.
— NS

I was one of Nina’s first patients when she opened her practice eighteen years ago. While I went to her for chronic back pain treatment, I soon found that she was helping me improve my diet and associated energy deficiencies as well. When I unknowingly had a warning gall bladder attack and described the symptoms to her she said it was classic gall bladder symptoms and advised me to go to the emergency room should it reoccur. Good thing too as it did reoccur, and was inflamed which could have resulted in dire consequences had I not gone to the hospital.
— Jay Taber

I found Nina Vincent through a friend who had suffered tennis elbow and had to stop playing tennis. She said that she got remarkable results from Nina’s work and that I should try her for my own elbow pain. I found Nina’s work amazing! Not only did she use needles, but she worked extensively with massage, and movement. Her interest in who I am and how my elbow difficulties were limiting my life felt genuine. Nina was confident that she could help, and after 3 weeks of twice weekly half hour appointments my arm felt remarkably better. It has been almost a year since I saw Nina and I have never had even a twinge of pain again! I have referred many friends to Nina for a variety of difficulties both physical and emotional and they have all thanked me profusely for the referral. I am so glad to know that she is there should I need her in the future.
— S.R.

I have struggled with my anxiety for so many years I never dreamed that I would be able to live my life without the constant sense of foreboding. A friend gave me a ‘special offer’ card that Nina put out for a free consultation and treatment for folks like me who suffer from stress and anxiety. I knew the minute that I sat down with Nina that she truly understood how difficult life is for me. Nina helped me see how much of my anxiety was being triggered by thoughts that I had - sometimes thoughts that I was not even aware I was having. We worked on looking at the ways in which my mind was creating so much of my suffering. The combination of counseling, and acupuncture, and even a little massage for my head, neck, and shoulders left me feeling I could cope a little better each day. It has only been a few months, but I have noticed an incredible improvement in so many areas. And now when I have a thought that leads me down a path of negative or anxiety provoking story, I just challenge myself to really question how true the thoughts are. Nina’s motto of “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” really says it all. I am so grateful for all that I have learned from and with Nina.
— B.N

I recently came to see Nina for anxiety, stress, and insomnia. I found my world was getting smaller and smaller due to the many ways my anxiety limited my ability and desire to reach out to friends or socially at all. Nina was recommended to me as an acupuncturist and a massage therapist, but what I discovered was an enormous wealth of calm and wisdom. Nina spent more time with me than any acupuncturist i have been to ever has. She really cares about my well being. She sees me as a whole person, not just my medical condition. I found myself learning so many useful techniques and truly life changing skills. Seeing Nina is not like seeing a medical practitioner for a treatment, it is a life altering experience. I find myself sharing the things i am learning with her with both my family and my friends. I feel that she has given me an entirely new way to be in the world. oh yes, and my anxiety? Well, i still have it, it is still with me on occasion, but it has become background noise and i am truly no longer bothered by it. I have learned to identify the thoughts that trigger it, and the physical manifestations that arise, and then disappear again without becoming upset or even bothered by them. Nina has been a godsend and will be in my life for many years to come.